What Is Coefficient Of Restitution?

Are you curious to know what is coefficient of restitution? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about coefficient of restitution in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is coefficient of restitution?

The coefficient of restitution is a fundamental concept in physics that plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of objects during collisions. This detailed guide aims to demystify the coefficient of restitution, covering its definition, formula, significance, and its application in various collision scenarios.

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution?

In the realm of physics, the coefficient of restitution (COR) is a measure that quantifies the elasticity of a collision between two objects. It provides insight into how much kinetic energy is conserved or lost during the collision, shedding light on the nature of the interaction between the objects.

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution In Collision?

The coefficient of restitution in a collision is a numerical value that expresses the ratio of the final relative velocity to the initial relative velocity of two objects involved in the collision. It is a dimensionless quantity, denoted by the symbol e, and ranges between 0 (perfectly inelastic collision) and 1 (perfectly elastic collision).

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution Formula?

The formula for the coefficient of restitution is expressed as:

e=Final Relative Velocity/Initial Relative Velocity


  • e is the coefficient of restitution.
  • Final Relative Velocity is the relative velocity of the two objects after the collision.
  • Initial Relative Velocity is the relative velocity of the two objects before the collision.

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution Class 9?

In Class 9 physics curriculum, students encounter the concept of the coefficient of restitution as part of their study of motion and collisions. Understanding e helps students grasp the principles of energy conservation and the transformation of kinetic energy during collisions.

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution Class 11?

In Class 11 physics studies, the coefficient of restitution is explored in greater detail, involving mathematical applications and considerations related to the conservation of momentum and energy in collisions.

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution – What Is Its Significance?

The coefficient of restitution holds immense significance in physics and engineering. It provides crucial information about the nature of a collision:

  • Perfectly Elastic Collision (e = 1): In this scenario, kinetic energy is conserved, and the objects rebound without any loss of energy.
  • Perfectly Inelastic Collision (e = 0): In a perfectly inelastic collision, the objects stick together after collision, and kinetic energy is not conserved.
  • 0<e<1: Represents a partially elastic collision where some kinetic energy is conserved, and the objects rebound with a certain degree of elasticity.

Coefficient Of Restitution For Inelastic Collision

In an inelastic collision, where the objects stick together after collision, the coefficient of restitution (e) is 0. This indicates a scenario where there is no rebound, and the objects move together as a single unit after collision.

Coefficient Of Re…?

The term “Coefficient of Re” seems to be incomplete, possibly referring to the coefficient of restitution. If further clarification or details are needed, it’s essential to consider the context or specific information.


In conclusion, the coefficient of restitution is a critical parameter in the study of collisions, providing valuable insights into the nature of interactions between objects. Whether it’s a billiard ball bouncing off the cushion or celestial bodies in space, understanding e allows scientists, physicists, and engineers to model and predict the behavior of objects during collisions accurately. As we continue to explore the dynamics of motion and energy transfer, the coefficient of restitution remains a foundational concept, contributing to our understanding of the fundamental principles governing the physical world.


What Is The Coefficient Of Restitution?

The ratio of final velocity to the initial velocity between two objects after their collision is known as the coefficient of restitution.

What Is The Expression For The Coefficient Of Restitution Class 11?

Coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio of relative velocity after collision to the relative velocity before collision. If & are the velocities of bodies before collision & & are velocities after collision then coefficient of restitution, e = v 1 − v 2 u 1 − u 2.

What Is The Coefficient Of Restitution Shalla?

Coefficient of restitution defined as the ratio of the velocity of separation (after collision) to the velocity of approach (before the collision) The coefficient of restitution = Velocity of separation Velocity of approach. Concept: Collisions.

What Is The Coefficient Of Restitution In Jee Mains?

The coefficient of restitution is a parameter whose magnitude is defined as the ratio of the difference in final velocity to the difference in initial velocity between two objects after an event called a collision. It is a dimensionless quantity which means that it has no dimensions.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution In Physics

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution In Collision

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution Formula

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution Class 9

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution Class 11

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution What Is Its Significance

Coefficient Of Restitution For Inelastic Collision

Coefficient Of Re

What Is Coefficient Of Restitution