“Why are you interested in this job” sample responses

Questions which have the same meaning as the above query are always asked in an audience, a candidate for employees with someone who is engaged in hiring staff. In addition to this issue, of course, a lot of other queries are asked, and all of these also need to be responded in such a way as to show your desire and willingness to work, as well as the fact that you are suitable for this vacancy. But in particular this one question directly reflects your attitude to the vacancy, and alot more about the job. entrepreneurs ask people such question in order to understand how much a person wants to work, and figure out this in particular by how well the person is familiar with the vacancy, as often various job chances are mentioned in vacancies that relate to future work, and in which a person can find for himself what he would like and could get a good job on in this organization.

Many candidates reply to such questions incorrectly, with an absolutely simple response, without any specifics, saying anything that sounds like “I just want to work at this job” or worse, “I just want to work for the money.” After such replies, you are likely to be denied employment, since the entrepreneur does not need people who are not at all interested in exactly this particular job, who are not looking for chances to work and develop in any place. Therefore, in order to response to this question correctly enough, you need to acquaintance yourself with the vacancy, with all projects that organization in which you are going to work is working, what it does in general, who its leader is, what areas of development this company has, and how suitable for you their requests for candidates?

All of this you can find out on specialized sites like layboard.in where there are the latest vacancies from around the world, and where you can find out everything you need about your vacancy. Or you also can find all the data you need on the website of the firm itself or on its pages in social networks, where a huge part of the public and available facts and data about the company is usually published. And yes, in order to show that you are interested in obtaining some chosen position, you must spend some time and look through all the pages of the company you will visit for an interview in order to accurately highlight for yourself what exactly you like about working in this place, what you would like work on how you can be useful for this job.

How should your reply on this question look like

In fact, responding to this is not so difficult. You will only need to mention to follow some important recommendations for the response:

  1. Determine in advance for yourself needs and desires, and what among them may be suitable ang usable for the company in which you dream of working. Use all this as an argument, then you can be useful. During the interview, if you know, mention what the company needs at the moment and what services it would like to receive. Tell me exactly how you could satisfy her need for an employee who can do what is needed.
  2. Don’t forget to mention everything you’ve learned about the firm and relate it to yourself and your desired development directions.
  3. Tell about everything that you want to do while doing your job, which problems you would be interested in solving, what projects you would like to try to work on and in what areas related to your work you would like to develop.
  4. Prove that your goals in development and work coincide with the goals of the company and how you can make a good contribution to its development. Remember that your task is not only to tell about what you want to work and how you want to do it, but also to prove that you are the best candidate for this vacancy, and you have everything you need to meet all the requirements.

What you don’t need to say in response to question

Please don’t forget that the response must be personal and individual, and not taken from any source. It is absolutely not worth retelling something that’s usually written in recommendations for replying to such questions. Don’t say that you want to jet this job here just because you want to work, or that you want to work here because it’s a “fun” company. Don’t reply to this question with general phrases, ‘cause they wouldn’t tell the entrepreneur about anything personal and specific, always response all questions thoughtfully, and it is advisable to think over the responses in advance so that any of your replies at the interview will be your individual response, which will reflect all your positive relation to this work. Also, in no case should you respond to the interlocutor in a boorish way, respond not interested and boring, you should not respond vaguely and not specifically, and in no case should you flatter entrepreneurs

Example of a possible response

“I hear about you and your corporate culture quite often. I really like the way your employee motivation system works, and I also like and like the working conditions. I also noticed that they are significantly different from what I had encountered earlier, as well as from what some other companies offer, and they differ for the better. I also really like that you provide all your employees with the chance to improve their skills if they wish, and also compensate for all the costs of training. This is a very great value and worth a lot, especially for those professionals who want to develop in their own direction and others associated with it. And I also want to do this, and I see in working in your company not only a chance to earn money, but also to realize my potential as a specialist, and develop while working in your company in other specializations, which I can also work for the good of the company”.

Reply honestly and thoughtfully. Do not repeat someone else’s words; instead, think about your individual reply to this question. Also, be honest while responding. If you’re offered a big salary or favorable working conditions, do not be afraid to talk about it. But that shouldn’t be your biggest reason to work. Do not forget that work is not only about making money, but also about development, career growth chances, and the acquisition of valuable work proficiency that also can be useful for you in the future.